New new rules and updates

Super-relevant Radionecks updates will be posted here. Oh, and If you've got any suggestions you'd like to make to the chief-necks, post them here. Bug reports or forum issues too.
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New new rules and updates

Post by sde-1104 » Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:37 pm

After a massive post clear up anything about Killer will need to go here:


After long deliberation and beard scratching it has been decided that this forum is not going to have numerous threads turning into slanging matches. It reminded me on how shit the old forum was!

Killers been banned and anyone deliberately signing up to troll will have the appropriate action taken against them :tup

In other news - please don't use the full names of rig builders in your posts. Just using their first initial will be fine like the old forum.

In other news I have added a showcase section along with a FOI section for Ofcom. Please feel free to add your own requests or comments. The aim of the showcase section is to make some read ups about stations, djs, mc's etc old and new!

Enjoy :mrgreen:

Dai Pole
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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by Dai Pole » Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:38 pm

sde-1104 wrote:It reminded me on how shit the old forum was!
Sorry to be contrary, but I thought the original aim of this incarnation of Radionecks was ‘to be as much like the old Radionecks as possible’? Now granted, I can understand why you want to stop most of the trolling, but to claim that the old forum was ‘shit’ seems a bit at odds with your initial mission statement!

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by sde-1104 » Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:11 pm

I should've phrased it better. I meant on how crappy it got with the trolling not in the sense the whole forum was shit.

It may come across as contradictory and I don't mind a bit of "banter" and fun but I don't want every thread to turn into a slanging match. I feel this forum has a much more mature approach than the last one and feel maybe it should stay that way :)

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by thestig » Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:34 pm

You hit the nail on the head. When 'killer' is not here there is no bother but when he is he just posts on 90% of threads with constant lies baiting people. Keep him and any of his misguided cronies out and all will be well here.
The site has taken shape really well with great content so fair play to you. :tup
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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by rissonew12 » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:45 pm

I Find banning killer abit of a sucker movement for the simple fact 99% of you chumps talk about him on here and whether hes done wrong to some of you or whatever problem you have with him , if it was me constantly getting spoke about on the forum and people acting like keyboard warriors slating his mrs , family and shit surely the guy has a right to give as good as he gets , I mean that rig thief section should be called the killer section .. The more i follow this site the more i see that most of the people on here are has beens or dreamers posting under different names . Just see it as if you were gettin talked bout constant on a radio forum would u wanna defend urself .. Ban me whatever im just stating facts that ur all quick to slate the guy but when u get slated back he gets banned ???

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by shuffy » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:49 pm

Risso, IIRC you did take quite a lot of stick on the old radionecks, under your other names.

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by rissonew12 » Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:55 pm

shuffy think u got me confused with someone else dont no u and dont have any other names just stating facts not lookin to bitch about things that never happened im just simply sayin to anyone on an internet forum give out abuse and expect abuse back .

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by shuffy » Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:01 am

Yeah , you're right , I must have you confused with someone else . I do agree with you actually , it's reasonable to expect back as good as you give out . :whistle

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by rissonew12 » Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:06 am

Admin should take into account that ppl sign up on this website under gay names and post things that are irrelivant to anything and anyone!! its good to see a topic bout a station thats getting out well and reception reports etc but when u look at that rig thief section and look at what ppl are writing I can honestly say if I was killer I would be coming on here and giving as good as i get as 99 percent is about him maybe he does take 99 perecent of all rigs that get eaten lol but dont ban him when your all talking about him !! inbox the fella ur number and sort it out the right way instead of hiding behind a pc saying im gonna do this im gonna do that hes this and hes that ,, thats what im sayin maybe if people didnt put empty threats bout the guy he wouldnt come on here in the first place ?? more topics bout radio stations and less bout ur girls fat and ur a pussy watch what im gonna do bla bla bla ..

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by thestig » Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:36 am

I agree people should not talk about 'killer' at all. I don't but when he comes on a forum spouting lies and shit then he gets both barrels. Before he came on there were a few who mentioned him when trying to ID some theiving mugs from CCTV stills. Keep 'killer' out and delete any posts that talk about him, that's what I would do, look how good the anorak section is and the London and outer London sections before he started throwing his vast weight about. The rest of the site is taking shape nicely also.
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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by sde-1104 » Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:15 am


It wasn't an easy decision to make. I let him have his say and kept the thread in the rig thief section up with all the comments so people can make their up own opinion. In short he has said if you have a problem with him to take it up with him direct. I have kept the CCTV images up of him and the other rig thieves so people can identify them in the future.

The main issue admin encountered was in the posts about stations. Normal threads were turning into Killer boasting about taking stations off that then resulted in a trade of personal insults and that couldn't go on.

Killer has always got great pleasure in boasting about what he does and that's what drives his ego. From towerblock dreams to posting on here and phoning up the stations he has taken off.

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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by thestig » Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:05 am

sde-1104 wrote:rissonew12:

The main issue admin encountered was in the posts about stations. Normal threads were turning into Killer boasting about taking stations off that then resulted in a trade of personal insults and that couldn't go on.

Killer has always got great pleasure in boasting about what he does and that's what drives his ego. From towerblock dreams to posting on here and phoning up the stations he has taken off.
Exactly my point, it was ruining those threads, if you don't want him banned then is it possible to restrict his posting access to the playground and rig theives section only? If that were possible then he can stroke his ego all he wants in those sections as it will be expected.
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Re: New new rules and updates

Post by MiXiN » Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:18 pm

I'm 100% behind SDE 1104 and Thestig on this.

There's nobody else at all who annoyes me on here, and everyone has some good stuff to bring to the table, but that Killer and his unreadable posts was getting far too much.

If Killer attempted to do what he does around here in Manchester he wouldn't have been doing it for long, so he should thank his lucky stars that the only retaliation he got was mud slinging over a forum.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a thief - more so a cowardly thief that shits on their own doorstep and steals off their own.

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