Shortwave Licences

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Shortwave Licences

Post by TechnicalRacoon » Sun Oct 31, 2021 12:34 pm

Does Any1 Know If Ofcom Provides Shortwave Licences, Or If Shortwave Radio Is Even Licenced In The UK/NI. Asking Out Of Pure Curiosity. I Can't See Anything About Shortwave Licences On Their Website ... -licensing
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Re: Shortwave Licences

Post by SidB2 » Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:46 pm

The answer is no. The Home Office/Radio Authority went out of their way to obstruct Radio Fax when they took the matter through the courts in the 1990's. This was a station that broadcast technical/science and radio features from a site in Eire. You can read about it on
If you want to operate legally then Germany and more recently the Netherlands have licensed several independent/enthusiast stations, some of which offer airtime at fairly low rates.

Albert H
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Re: Shortwave Licences

Post by Albert H » Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:55 pm

To be honest, it's easier to operate as a SW pirate than it ever used to be. Just be sure not to cause interference, and choose your frequency with care. Operate way out in the countryside, and link over the 'net.
"Why is my rig humming?"
"Because it doesn't know the words!"

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