Weekend Rush 92.3/5 and Defection 89.4fm

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Weekend Rush 92.3/5 and Defection 89.4fm

Post by rissonew12 » Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:52 pm

Been hearing a lot of decent sets coming out the wood work on youtube the last few years clearly these 2 stations along with Kool Don and a few others were the foundation and important history for the Jungle scene as we know it today , something about rush and defection just stick out from the rest. Anyone have any info on when they both stopped transmitting and why? Rush had the infamous London tonight report so I know the authority's were on there case haven't found a set after 1994 floating about on you tube or Internet.

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Re: Weekend Rush 92.3/5 and Defection 89.4fm

Post by teckniqs » Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:35 am

Weekend Rush came back again as Kick or Kik still on 92.3 I think that was in '94 of the same year or in early '95, and I think they then went off for good around '96 time.

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Re: Weekend Rush 92.3/5 and Defection 89.4fm

Post by Hollystreet » Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:35 pm

weekend Rush & Defection were the same station.....Rush was first then half the guys left and started Defection

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Re: Weekend Rush 92.3/5 and Defection 89.4fm

Post by Sonic » Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:10 pm

Picking Weekend Rush up in Maidstone 90.2 on my travels

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