In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

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In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by drumandbasshead010 » Thu Apr 18, 2019 2:49 pm

I saw something lately - don't think it was on this forum - saying that the new copyright laws will effect internet broadcasters. How is this the case and is it likely there will be a resurge in pirates on the airwaves as a result?

Albert H
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Fri Apr 19, 2019 2:44 am

The EU Copyright Law amendments make it impossible to publish a book, magazine or newspaper, release a music CD or play music online. It's incredibly badly written (as most EU Laws are - this is deliberate so that Lawyers can argue over it - expensively - for ever). Remember - most of the senior officers of the EU are Lawyers of one sort or another!
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by bristolpirates » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:32 am

It won't stop you from publishing any original content online. It certainly won't stop you from releasing a CD. If the worst comes to the worst and countries implement the monitoring measures poorly, you can always go and buy something in a physical shop, but God forbid we ever have to go back to doing that, eh! :D

Laws to restrict internet radio broadcasts have always been on the cards because of the massive copyright violation. It's a miricle it's lasted this long.

If internet stations start to run into problems, and people can't post derivative works to YouTube or whatever, then maybe MW/FM pirates will have a resurgence like vinyl has.

All governements are seeking to restrict the internet slowly and surely, so there's no point in complaining about the EU alone. See the latest poorly thought out Tory porn laws which might end up with big lists of personal details being used to blackmail people.

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by thewisepranker » Fri Apr 19, 2019 6:03 pm

Nobody knows what will happen because the directive is so loosely written. The long and the short of it is, get a VPN now while it's still legal to do so.

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:59 am

I offshored all my data centres (to Singapore, Melbourne and Mexico City!), finances to Switzerland and BVI, and companies to Canada, the Netherlands (for convenience) and BVI. When this government collapses and we're saddled with the virtue-signalling numpties led by that piss-stained tramp, I'm out of the UK altogether, and will enjoy watching the clueless twats of the Labour party crash the economy (like they always do) and then try to quell the religious riots that will follow.

The UK is pretty well screwed.
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Wireupwall » Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:55 pm

The U.K. is screwed directly because of Brexit. Those who voted for it and those who promoted the undeliverable lies. All of this in conjunction with illegal use of social media data and multi million pound campaign overspends with money that has yet to be tracked. Make no mistake. Brexiters are the ones directly to blame for the U.K.s forthcoming sh*t shower. I always find it very interesting, maybe it is virtue signalling ? and very hypocritical that Brexiters who have companies and money remove it from the U.K. along with the taxes they should pay.

The country as a whole has been losing £500 million a week since the referendum. So far that is around £ 75 billion, that directly means less NHS, Police, Fire, social security and local services for everyone. Brexit is going to be the most costly mistake in U.K. peacetime history.

The issue is that the world cannot sustain growth any more. The environment and the financial systems are at breaking point. People expect their income to increase every year, year on year. That ended a decade ok when bankers caused the global recession. Brexit was a mistaken vote aimed towards the wrong people by many people who could not comprehend how the world operates, the immense human challenges we face.

We are all guaranteed to be worse off due to a lot of people voting Brexit. We already are, Pound value has dropped, everything is more expensive and we have not even left yet. I have seen the quality of products plummet over the last 3 years as companies shave 10pct of quality of every item to account for the weakened pound. Welcome to worse, I have yet to hear a single issue that will be better after Brexit. Not one. We already trade with all the countries we need and want to. And with a much better deal as a collective of 500million people than a small island with 70 million people in it ever could negotiate.

Brexiters were and are still being sold pure lies, they voted for a totally undeliverable fantasy.

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:20 am

Wireupwall wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:55 pm Brexiters were and are still being sold pure lies, they voted for a totally undeliverable fantasy.
You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't you? You probably also believe in "lifestyles" and "Global Warming". I've got this nice bridge that I can sell you.....

Brexit will be a huge non-event. The terms upon which the UK will "leave" actually mostly mean remaining tied to that crowd of criminals in Brussels (and - one week in four - in Strasbourg).

You do realise that remaining "part of Europe" will ensure that the UK will re-introduce military conscription for 18 - 30-year-olds, don't you? It's the stated aim of the EU to have an "EU Defence Force" within five years. They plan to staff this mostly with conscripts (since they're cheap). Compulsory conscription at 18 for non-University students and at 23 for University graduates. It will start at 2 years and be extended to 4, and will initially be presented to the gullible as "Civic Service", until we get into a war with the Russians or the Turks (both of which look quite likely in the next few years).

All trade with the EU will always be conducted in their imaginary "currency", the Euro - except when it comes to the UK. They can set whatever specious "value" they like on it, to ensure that exchange rates are always in their favour. They stopped dealing in real currency some years ago, when they first ran out of money - they just printed some more! The Euro started at around $2 and has devalued to half that. You can expect it to collapse still further in the next year or two.

The EU have never published accounts. Much of the money sloshing around in Brussels, that's "donated" by member countries, goes missing. Remember - the UK is the only country that donates REAL currency, so when (if) we leave and stop paying in, their little Ponzi scheme will collapse in no time!

If you want to truly understand what's really going on, just Google "Frankfurt School" and discover how our society has been subverted since the 1930s: will give you the basics.

Also look up "Common Purpose": and

Remember - ALL of Komrade Korbyn's MPs are Common Purpose "alumni".

It's also worth remembering that Korbyn's favourite example of Socialist success is Venezuela - I've been there, and it's a shit-hole.
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by RFI2 » Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:50 pm

You do realise that remaining "part of Europe" will ensure that the UK will re-introduce military conscription for 18 - 30-year-olds, don't you? It's the stated aim of the EU to have an "EU Defence Force" within five years.
Sounds like the kind of thing you'd see written on the side of a Brexit bus. There has been talk of an "EU army" since the early 1950s, and it hasn't happened yet, and I doubt it will within 5 years, if ever.

This article is useful in understand what has been described, with some justification, as an episode of wilful misunderstanding. ... erstanding

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Wireupwall » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:09 pm

£350 million of Kool aid ? :lol:

If I want advice about radio I would go to a radio person like you Albert, for climate change I will listen to climate change scientists, who almost all are in agreement, we are close to the end game for the human race. The way I have seen it is that how can burning that amount of fossil foil for 200 years NOT be making a difference whilst we cut down rain forest like they are not important. It is common sense it is having a bad effect in an enclosed eco system.

I think E.U. army is no bad thing IMO even though unlikely. Better to be part of a massive gang than be overrun by Russian military in a day, no ? £500 million lost a week is a non event ? Tell that to suffering communities who will be directly effected by the loss of tax take money having been lost. E.U. membership is very good value and we get much more out than we pay in in terms of quantifiable benefits. ... a-fortune/

There are arts centres now struggling for funding, community support services, like support for women who have been victims of domestic abuse, that have closed that were funded by the E.U. - Agencies that employ 1,000's of highly skilled people that were based in the U.K. have moved to Holland. A car industry that is moving out. A £Trillion in financial instruments moved to the E.U.

This info is very easy to find: ... 92296.html ... to-eu.html

And we have yet to leave and you call that a non event ? You are simply wrong and you should be embarrassed if you voted Brexit because it rests at your feet, you own it.

For a few reasons I can categorically state it will not be a non event for myself. We can call this one of a multitude of nunaced persona problems Brexit will cause that would never have been foreseen. Even the blindingly obvious major issues were not foreseen.
I can assure you that Brexit will not be a non event, it is going to be the most costly event this country has ever seen.

The problems are here, they are real and will worsen as Brexit happens. You are right the U.K. is screwed. The ignorance which has always been there with Brexiters has hit a level where it is only about saving face now. You are clearly a bright man Albert so there can be no other
reason than selfishness or pig headed ignorance and inability to accept your mistake.

And as far as Corbyn, what can be worse than a Conservative government with people like Boris "eff business" Johnson, No ferry boats Grayling, 3 times my deal May and I don't know about Dover-Calais Raab.

You would not get those people sweep your back yard ! It cannot get any worse, monkeys would do better.

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:53 am

I completely agree with you about the state of British politics. The clowns in Westminster are predominantly there because they couldn't get real jobs. Years ago, it was said that the "dullard in the family went into the church". These days, the stupid become career politicians. Corbyn (as just one example) failed his "A"-Levels (two Grade "E"s were fails in his day) and received no further education. He has never held a proper job, and when not being supported by one Trades Union or another, he'd claim the dole. I've met the p***-stained tramp, and he's a deeply unpleasant, dogmatically stupid excuse for a man.

You can stop worrying about "Climate Change" - it really is just a political construct, dreamt up at University of East Anglia in the 90s, to manipulate the populace. Even the most cursory research will show you that all the Climate Change figures were falsified, since they never show the trends that the theorists want. Polar Ice is increasing in area year on year, as we go into a period of cooling. One interesting stat from my zoological friends - there are four times as many polar bears as there were in 1960.....

You can forget your EU-supported Arts Centres and all the other fripperies - those monies were just a very small proportion of the UK's payments into the EU project, that were given back to make people like you believe that the EU is a wonderful thing. The reality is that 90% of the money we "donate" goes to support Greek pensions (retirement at 50 for everyone and a huge pension that even I'm jealous of!), French and Spanish farmers (who can't make their farms pay because they're too lazy to actually cultivate them) and support for the collapsing Italian economy....

The only net input to the EU is from the UK and Germany - the rest of the countries just take. When we stop paying in to the Ponzi Scheme, it'll collapse in acrimony, with everyone pointing at everyone else and trying to apportion blame for the rest of my lifetime!

Back to radio.
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by thewisepranker » Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:34 pm

Albert H wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:53 am Polar Ice is increasing in area year on year, as we go into a period of cooling. One interesting stat from my zoological friends - there are four times as many polar bears as there were in 1960.....
Interesting that you correlate the number of polar bears alive with how much ice there is on the planet.


Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by wazza » Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:33 pm

Albert H wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:53 am Back to radio.
Please take your own advice and stop your bile!

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:33 pm

thewisepranker wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 3:34 pm
Albert H wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:53 am Polar Ice is increasing in area year on year, as we go into a period of cooling. One interesting stat from my zoological friends - there are four times as many polar bears as there were in 1960.....
Interesting that you correlate the number of polar bears alive with how much ice there is on the planet.
Nope. It's just an interesting stat that completely contradicts Al Gore's nonsense.
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:34 pm

wazza wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:33 pm
Albert H wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:53 am Back to radio.
Please take your own advice and stop your bile!

You're right. I just hate the way that the uninformed are being manipulated by the Warmist idiots.
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Wireupwall » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:18 am

Warmists like NASA

Take the clown suit off.

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Wed May 01, 2019 12:53 pm

FFS. NASA and the US Meteorological Service both have a vested interest in keeping their sponsors happy. This means providing the "data" that they want.

It's the same situation with the idiots at the University of East Anglia. Just read the emails revealed in the "Climategate" scandal, where they admit that they couldn't get the warming figures that their paymasters wanted, so they had to falsify them!

Everything points to Global Cooling - for the next 30 years or so - and then another cycle of slight warming. Any cursory examination of an old enough tree stump will show you that this has been the case for the last 500 years, and isn't going to change in any way soon. CO2 is NOT a "greenhouse gas" - it's just plant food.

The ONLY significant global problems we have today are (in no particular order):

Overpopulation (look at India or China)

Religions (consider all current wars)

Socialists (examine the repeated wilful crashing of the UK economy and for the coup de grace look at Venezuela)

Sadly, none of these three factors will be resolved in my lifetime.
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by wazza » Wed May 01, 2019 6:44 pm

Albert H wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 12:53 pm Socialists (examine the repeated wilful crashing of the UK economy and for the coup de grace look at Venezuela)
We haven't had a socialist government in 40 years :roll:

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Wireupwall » Wed May 01, 2019 7:13 pm

Straight out of the old bigot's handbook Albert.

" In fact, Americans make up less than 5% of the world's population and yet consume as much as 25% of its energy" ... per_capita

Any plank can find this info out. So on your own reckoning we should stop people having kids in every developed nation as they are the real polluters.

Actually the labour government has historically has a vastly superior fiscal approach with much much higher levels of the national debt having been repaid in the past.

"The Conservatives borrowed more, not just absolutely (which is unsurprising as they had more years in office), but on average."
Search this: The Conservatives have been the biggest borrowers over the last 70 years

Your responses are incompetent, the opposite of truth and easy to pull apart, educate yourself. Climate change denial is akin to a religion in the face of scientific evidence. I will go with the science Al.

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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Albert H » Thu May 02, 2019 1:51 am

I can assure you that the science is exactly the opposite of the nonsense that's being promulgated by the "Warmists".

"Global Warming" is a political construct to make the clueless feel better about paying higher taxes, higher prices for goods, and constraining their use of energy "for the benefit of the planet".

I'll give you a clue: There was a discussion at Davos in 2002, at which "Global Warming" was suggested as the next "cause" that could be used to control the proles. As I recall, it was suggested that the public wouldn't be easily fooled into believing such obvious nonsense. The reply to this objection was that they had many meteorologists "on side, if they know what's good for them" and they'd start spreading the nonsense through the "green" lobby, making use of Greenpeace and a couple of other easily manipulated green charities.

This is exactly what happened.

Read up on the ways in which public opinion is manipulated, read up on the Frankfurt School (and be very scared), and read up on the idiots at University of East Anglia getting caught fiddling the figures.

By the way - if you call me a bigot again, I'll come 'round and cut your coax!
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Re: In what way will the new EU laws effect internet radio stations (or radio stations in general)?

Post by Wireupwall » Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:52 pm

Denying climate changed based on the wrong doing of 1 educational facility is like 1 guy doing an electronics degree then trying to design a PLL circuit from scratch, it not working and then denouncing the historical theory and practice of PLL design.

You cannot dismiss the entire body of knowledge from the collective global scientific climate change on the basis of a single wrong doing. It is not credible and ignorant to do so. I do find it interesting how an intelligent person can be so closed and stubborn, that is what is scary for our future.

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