Abnormally long stream listening duration

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Abnormally long stream listening duration

Post by whitenoisedb » Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:33 pm

Has anyone taken note of the listening duration of their streams and the IPs? Some stay connected for days on end and are typically traced back to large data centres operated by Google and Amazon. I’m wondering if there’s something behind this such as checking for the playback of copyrighted music. It’s becoming very difficult to publish an iOS radio app which isn’t regionally restricted or without having to provide proof you’re licensed to do such a thing. Has anyone else ran into this?

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Re: Abnormally long stream listening duration

Post by g33ky » Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:00 pm

Yeah I've seen some streams with over 100hrs average listening times, some shoutcast versions puslish it on the status page. I always assumed it was some sort of relay for a transmitter or some other constantly-on audio source but your theory isn't one I'd have thought of.

It wouldn't surprise me if Apple was scanning for copyrighted music via their apps, multiple times in the past they've removed apps for the actions of third-party users. Google doesn't seem to care though and lets people publish anything without much quality control (for better or worse).
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Re: Abnormally long stream listening duration

Post by Albert H » Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:46 am

Some of these long connections are from the "aggregation" sites. One of my stations has a virtually permanent connection from a data centre in Russia, and this traces to "Streema" (aka "Simple Radio"), for example.

The secret to not having copyright issues is to use a server in a jurisdiction that doesn't care much about such things. Several American states (for example) have very lax copyright rules, and you won't be touched there, and their connectivity is good. I tend to use servers in the Far East for the same reason.

If you want to remain a "pirate", then don't use a European Union sited server! Also, the UK is somewhat iffy with PRS and PRL leeches trying to abstract money from you.

Don't reveal your upload source either - if it's in the UK, then the Performing Rights nutters will hassle you all the time. I make certain that my upload source is "offshore".
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Re: Abnormally long stream listening duration

Post by whitenoisedb » Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:48 am

There’s definitely relaying for an FM TX but I don’t understand why another service would relay as would cost in bandwidth when relaying 1000’s of stations. I think it was 2-3 months ago that TuneIn introduced regional restrictions, obviously under the pressure from the archaic majors who are unable to draw up a global streaming license. They could be making so much more if only they could create a blanket streaming license for all platforms. Mixcloud have managed to make it work, don’t understand why the likes of Facebook and Twitch can’t!

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Re: Abnormally long stream listening duration

Post by Albert H » Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:51 pm

I gave up with the totally clueless TuneIn. I use radio.garden, streema, mytuner, and a few more. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of listeners who use the aggregator sites. Mixcloud are almost as clueless as TuneIn!
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Re: Abnormally long stream listening duration

Post by LeeCavanagh » Fri Feb 18, 2022 2:01 pm

As for the reason why we see Google and Amazon and Apple is because Google and Amazon offer cloud services and Apple have the new internet relay to hide your own oersonal ip when listening

What I mean by this is, there are site that keep connected because they are updating the what song is playing details the station is putting out, the listener could even have pressed stops but left the browser open and this would keep a connection active as the site continues to show the Sam hate playing and histroy. And as someone else mention other aggregate stations.

There could of course be people who choose to relay the station , or like me I listen to online stations when I giro bed and it’s still turned on when I wake up.

You can choose to block ip addresses in the stream interface if you deem some site to be of nuisance but you don’t want to block genuine users.

Re: phone apps

I love myTuner, but turn the EQ off as it stops some radio station from playing (I’ve reported it too then)

Also something else that bugs me is apps starting to geo block overseas stations (yeah you can get around it by using a vpn) I don’t get why they don’t make it a choice by the station themselves rather than going by the country they put in on they station submission profile. The reason I say this is because often the app blocks them but you can add a custom link (taken from the web stations own web stream they publish on their own site) which works.

MyTuner is good, but the TV app only the Samsung TV will only return UK stations even when you search for them by station name , luckily my station does show in a search although they list it as London instead of the one I put it, I may submit another and see if I can get it to register for Liverpool , Manchester and Stockport
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