The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

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The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by sherbetguy » Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:19 pm

This is a really interesting concept and seems to be hugely popular, a radio station based underground in a bunker owned by the listeners which are people fighting for freedom. They are not anti-vaxx or anything, they are more freedom of choice & believe in human rights etc.

From listening they don't have debates or DJ's unless there is a mega news story thats effects this particular growing community then suddenly they just come on live, but during the day the music is so varied but more upbeat stuff. They claim every song has a secret meaning and naturally raises vibrations, energy and positivity. The daily music can go from a dance classic, to rave, to oldies, disco classics or even TV Theme tunes. At night from 9pm the most unusual chillout music until 5am, I have ever heard in my life. Going back to daytimes they have a presenter who reads the weather, community information, horoscopes, positivity speeches and really funny adult oriented jingles. Some days a robot reads the weather which has me in stitches. I would love to get involved with these people or the station, the programming isn't perfect but I like the music variety and the funny imaging during the day.

I have honestly never come across a radio station like it, I've been a radio anorak since I was a kid. The website is and they are on Smart Speakers and a free app is available in the Google PlayStore.

Another thing I've noticed is they give secret codes to listeners and messages, the whole station is packed full of mystery. They must have a lot of listeners according to reviews online and listeners are encouraged to record messages to go on-air which you hear often, some are quite adult oriented lol :D - I would advise people not to listen with kids close by, I messed up with that recently.

Albert H
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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by Albert H » Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:18 am

"Why is my rig humming?"
"Because it doesn't know the words!"

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by teckniqs » Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:16 am

...Are they actually transmitting on 909KHz or 90.9MHz or just an online station?

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by Stax » Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:41 pm

Thanks for letting me know about this. It has a curiosity and mysterious charm which adds to the appeal. I'm enjoying it. I've heard live /voice announcement on one occasion so far but certainly the chill music in the evening is interesting and different to what I've come across before on another specialist stations.

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by Sparki » Sun Nov 21, 2021 6:34 pm

sherbetguy wrote: Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:19 pm This is a really interesting concept and seems to be hugely popular, a radio station based underground in a bunker owned by the listeners which are people fighting for freedom. They are not anti-vaxx or anything, they are more freedom of choice & believe in human rights etc.

From listening they don't have debates or DJ's unless there is a mega news story thats effects this particular growing community then suddenly they just come on live, but during the day the music is so varied but more upbeat stuff. They claim every song has a secret meaning and naturally raises vibrations, energy and positivity. The daily music can go from a dance classic, to rave, to oldies, disco classics or even TV Theme tunes. At night from 9pm the most unusual chillout music until 5am, I have ever heard in my life. Going back to daytimes they have a presenter who reads the weather, community information, horoscopes, positivity speeches and really funny adult oriented jingles. Some days a robot reads the weather which has me in stitches. I would love to get involved with these people or the station, the programming isn't perfect but I like the music variety and the funny imaging during the day.

I have honestly never come across a radio station like it, I've been a radio anorak since I was a kid. The website is and they are on Smart Speakers and a free app is available in the Google PlayStore.

Another thing I've noticed is they give secret codes to listeners and messages, the whole station is packed full of mystery. They must have a lot of listeners according to reviews online and listeners are encouraged to record messages to go on-air which you hear often, some are quite adult oriented lol :D - I would advise people not to listen with kids close by, I messed up with that recently.
Not anti vax.... I see a 'no covid passport' pic on the site hmmm.... Looked at the schedule, looks like its being run by some oddball just doesn't seem to be what I would call a consistent style. Had a listen to the stream, its a bit hit and miss for me but I'm sure itll be of interest to some people I guess? *shrugs* just not my thing.

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by freddie » Fri May 06, 2022 6:14 pm

Why do I get the feeling that the person running it is the OP here alongside 'Stax' - self promotion, n'est pas?

I've listened to it before on a few occasions and..... it's a no from me. Nothing about it grabs me and makes me want to listen to it more.

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by Stax » Sun May 08, 2022 8:54 pm

Seeing the update to this trail reminded me that I hadn't listened to this station for a few months.

Sorry Freddie, you're barking up the wrong tree. I have nothing whatsoever to do with this station or any other for that matter and I know about as much about the opening poster as he probably does about me - nothing!

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by freddie » Mon May 09, 2022 9:54 am

I'd rather listen to hospital radio. Good luck.

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Re: The English 909 - Freedom Radio (A very odd but interesting concept)

Post by radionortheast » Wed Jun 29, 2022 8:56 am

I’ll give it a listen, just played robin s love for love, sub-x what you do to me, plummet damaged, almost detuned at Jess Glen but stayed with it, the music doesn’t seem bad when I was listening lots of dancey stuff, if I heard this on an fm I would probably would tune to it
I don’t know if there is some agenda behide this, i’ve not heard talk, seems to be just all on the website than coming throught the radio. I did have my first disappointment it played no more tears the original version, i thought it was going to be the dance mix from the 90’s, I tuned off then, sounded more like a community station, up until then I think it had been quite a nice station to listen to.

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