Photo: St Peter’s Church, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland (dating from 7th century) and flat blocks (dating from 20th century).
Sorry folks, it’s that time again - the xmas show.
But we have to do it - who else would play you the Reverend J.M. Gates’
"Will The Coffin Be Your Santa Claus ? " or William S. Burroughs reading “
The Junky’s Christmas” ?
Public service broadcasting is what it is.

Listen online :

RFI website : Last week's programme now playing

Older shows available at :
Merry Christmas Playlist :
01 - Sleigh Ride (The Ronettes)
02 - Christmas Poem (Alice Cooper)
03 - Christmas At Somebody Else’s House (John Cooper Clarke)
04 - There Aint No Santa Claus On The Evening Stage
(Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band)
05 - A Christmas Carol, 1963 (Herbert Deutsch)
06 - Will The Coffin Be Your Santa Claus ? (Rev J.M. Gates)
07 - Christmas Morning Blues (Victoria Spivey)
08 - The Long Christmas Dinner (Rudolf Escher)
09 - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Jackson 5)
10 - Christmas At Ground Zero (Weird Al Yankovic)
11 - The Junky’s Christmas (William S. Burroughs)
12 - Silent Night Chant (The Rotary Connection)
13 - Santa Baby (Eartha Kitt)