BBC License in the balance?

Radio related FOI responses by Ofcom to be posted into here for reference & discussion!
Albert H
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Re: BBC License in the balance?

Post by Albert H » Thu Dec 26, 2019 3:22 pm

Dream On!

The BBC was unbiased up until they stopped being run by the MOD and FO. That was around 1988. After that, they had a succession of ever more ineffective Directors General until they ended up with Greg Dyke.... They were completely screwed from that desperate point onward. Anyone with any integrity and ability left the BBC at that time, and subsequently it has sunk ever further into the mire of Political Correctness and lefty idealism.

The Foreign Office (their former paymasters) have virtually shut down World Service. BBC WS was (once) the proud, unbiased voice of the UK and had real influence in the world. It's really sad that it has almost entirely gone.
"Why is my rig humming?"
"Because it doesn't know the words!"


Re: BBC License in the balance?

Post by wazza » Fri Dec 27, 2019 5:04 pm

Albert H wrote: Thu Dec 26, 2019 3:22 pm it has sunk ever further into the mire of Political Correctness and lefty idealism.
You were saying that you don't have a political bias? :roll:

Albert H
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Re: BBC License in the balance?

Post by Albert H » Sat Dec 28, 2019 6:40 pm

Practically speaking, I don't have a political bias. Over here, we've had mild, centrist coalitions for as long as I can remember, and we have one of the highest standards of living in the world.

Our basic taxation is bearable - we don't suffer from the "politics of envy" that afflicts the UK - if a UK citizen does well in life, (s)he's really penalised by taxation for being successful. This results in one of two things: either (s)he avoids / evades tax, or (s)he takes the lucrative skills and abilities abroad (like I did). The UK suffers in either case.

I ran a fairly successful electronics company, employing about 120 people. When Bliar came to power in 1997, taxation went through the roof, rents for premises became unaffordable, and after almost 2 years of mostly working for the "government", I sold off the company and moved abroad to a country with much lower tax, better education, and affordable rents.

Hiring the staff I needed for my new enterprise was easier than it had been in the UK. My company is now on three continents. We're bigger and more successful than we ever were before, and I pay reasonable taxes. We bought two small manufacturing companies and got their expertise and designs as part of the deal, and I now have a small group of well-paid, highly qualified design engineers, and workshops that assemble the equipment we sell. We get PCBs etched and loaded in a couple of Asian countries - giving work there - and our metalwork is mostly done in Eastern Europe.

British friends of mine are leaving the UK in droves - not because of Brexit, but because they're fed up with worsening social conditions, bad weather, abysmal education, and tax that's an aggregate of around 70% for most "higher rate" taxpayers. The basic rate of UK Income Tax is 25%, rising to 40% if you earn a reasonable amount. There's a further 10 - 15% "National Insurance", then there's 20% VAT, 90% fuel tax, the insane "green levy" for businesses that use energy (that's all of them), corporation tax, and they even charge you Death Duty if you die!!!

Over here, my aggregate taxation is around 38% plus 4% for Health Insurance. We don't have kids stabbing each other all the time, and the government laugh at the silly notion of "Climate Change" - it has always changed and will continue to do so! The food over here is higher quality, and I can buy a good detached house in a pleasant suburb for about one quarter of what it would cost me in the UK. The perpetual centrist coalitions never make any radical decisions, so we muddle along enjoying life, and just point and laugh at the silly Marxist nutters running the UK Labour Party (as if any of them had actually ever done any labour) and the dopey Etonian toffs (the cream of the country - rich and thick, and rise to the top) who believe that they have power (they don't - the UK has always been run by the Civil Service!).
"Why is my rig humming?"
"Because it doesn't know the words!"

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Re: BBC License in the balance?

Post by sinus trouble » Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:13 am

I have to agree with Albert!

The Government have done nothing for me or my family but make things worse! Labour and Conservatives!
The only way we have survived is by fighting for a decent living!!

Its not just the rich that get stung!

If we are talking about 'Bias' the BBC are the very ones who advertised job vacancies for 'Non Male' 'Non White' Applicants?? Any other employer would be persecuted for suggesting such a thing!!!
I am as stupid as I look! :|

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